Frederick A. Vogley
Frederick A. Vogley, proprietor of the Vogley Saw Mills, located on the St. Louis, Arkansas & Texas Railroad, two and one-half miles from Hibbard, Mo., was born in Switzerland in 1851. He is one of seven children born to the union of Christian Vogley and Susannah Von Neiderhausem. The parents removed to America when the subject of this sketch was about three years of age. Landing in New Orleans Mr. Vogley removed his family to Louisville, Ky. He was a tailor, and worked at his trade in that city until about 1859, when he removed to New Philadelphia, Ohio, remaining until the spring of 1882, when he came to Southeast Missouri. He located in St. James Township, Mississippi County, where he died in June after his arrival. To them were born Frederick A., Alice E., Christian, Samuel, Caroline (Mrs. Lee Grim, of New Philadelphia, Ohio), William A. and Sophia M. (Mrs. George W. Foust). Sophia's husband resides near Mr. Vogley's mill, and she is his bookkeeper. William A. is a graduate of the National Normal University at Lebanon, Ohio and is now principal of the school of Dadeville, Ala. After Mr. Vogley's death Mrs. Vogley moved back to Ohio, and was married to William Weal, of Wesh descent. Frederick A. came to Southeast Missouri in 1879, and engaged in farming in St. James Township. In 1866 he erected the mills before mentioned, in which he employs fifteen men. He owns about 800 acres of land, with 100 acres under cultivation. He married Malinda Harney, who was born at Blake's Mills, Ohio. Her parents were born in Switzerland. Mr. and Mrs. Vogley have two children: Naoma (born on January 26, 1872) and Viola May (born on September 21, 1886). They are rearing a boy, Peter Moran, whose father died in the hospital at Memphis, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Vogley are members of the German Baptist Church. |
Robert Vowels
Robert Vowels, a farmer of Mississippi County, was born in Nelson County, Ky., November 24, 1841. His parents, Henry and Elizabeth J. (Ice) Vowels, were both natives of Kentucky, and of the hardy Scotch-Irish lineage. The forefathers were among the early settlers of Kentucky. Henry Vowels was reared in his native State, where he remained until 1860, when he, with his family, immigrated to Mississippi County, Mo., coming down the Ohio River on a steamer. Landing at Bird's Point, he located in the neighborhood of Robert Vowel's present home, and resided there till his death, which occurred in 1880. His wife, by whom he had eleven children, died in 1865. Eight of their children are living: Robert, Mary E. (Mrs. Nelson B. Brewer), Elizabeth (Mrs. Joseph A. Barker), Thomas, George, James, Alexander and Nancy (Mrs. George Armer). The subject of this sketch spent his youth on his father's farm in Kentucky, being about nineteen years of age when he removed with his parents to Mississippi County, Mo. He remained with them until 1862, when he began work for himself, since which time he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1870 he purchased 160 acres of land, it being the same upon which he now resides, of which about 100 acres are under cultivation. He was married in 1866 to Mary E. Hutchinson, a native of Tennessee, and to them eight children have been born, viz: Thomas, Cora, Jessie, Andrew, Netty, Charles, Florence, and an infant unnamed (deceased). Mr. Vowel is a member of the Agricultural Wheel. Politically he is a Democrat. |
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