Goodspeed's History of Southeast Missouri
Biographies of Mississippi County, 1888


Elijah W. Ogilvie

Elijah   W.   Ogilvie,    a
     prominent  citizen  of  Charleston,  and  the  present  treasurer   of
     Mississippi County, was born in McCracken County, Ky., on May 6, 1851.
     He is a son of Lemuel and Martha (Winstead)  Ogilvie,  the  former  of
     whom was born on July 29, 1797,  in  Bedford  County,  Tenn.  and  the
     latter on July  23,  1808,  in  Williamson  County,  that  State.  The
     grandfather, Kimber T. Ogilvie, was born in Scotland in 1763, and  was
     brought by his parents to North Carolina when he was quite  small.  He
     remained in the Old North State until after he was  married,  when  he
     removed to Bedford County, Tenn., and remained  several  years,  after
     which he removed to McCracken County, Ky., where he died  on  November
     20, 1842. He was in the Revolutionary War,  and  participated  in  the
     battle of Guilford Courthouse. His wife was born in 1764, and died  in
     December, 1842. They had five children - two sons and three  daughters
     - who grew to maturity. Lemuel Ogilvie immigrated to McCracken County,
     Ky., in 1831, and purchased a farm. He was a resident of Paducah, Ky.,
     at the time of his death, on March 12, 1857. His  wife  died  November
     15, 1863. They were the  parents  of  eleven  children:  Benjamin  F.,
     Elizabeth (deceased), James B., John W., Martha H., Samuel, Andrew J.,
     Maria L., Napoleon J., William H. and Elijah W.  The  last  named  was
     reared in Paducah, Ky.,  in  which  city  his  education  was  chiefly
     secured. In 1864 he engaged in agricultural  pursuits,  and  continued
     until 1874, when he went to Charleston, and began merchandising, which
     he followed for four years, under the firm name of Ogilvie &  Bro.
     He was then city marshal for four years, after which he was engaged in
     the mercantile business again until 1884, as a member of the  firm  of
     Ogilvie & Co. After the dissolution of  that  firm,  he  continued
     business alone, until  1886,  since  which  time  he  has  turned  his
     attention to trading and looking after his stock farms. In 1886 he was
     appointed to his present office by  the  Governor.  He  has  held  the
     office of deputy collector from 1874 to 1887, with  the  exception  of
     three years. He was city councilman for six terms. He has  been  twice
     married; the  first  time  in  August  1876  to  Emma  Overstreet,  of
     Shelbyville, Ky., by whom he had two children. His wife and one of his
     children, a daughter, died in August 1879. The other child,  Elmer  F.
     is living. He was married the second time in 1880, to Eliza  Ford,  of
     Hartford, Ky. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. and is a Democrat. He and
     wife        are         members         of         the         Baptist

James J. Presson

Rev.  James  J.  Presson  was
     born in Anderson County, N.C. on January 31, 1829  and  is  a  son  of
     Samuel and Anna (Presson) Presson, both of whom were born  and  reared
     in North Carolina. The former was born in 1803, and  was  the  son  of
     William Presson, a native of North Carolina, who was the son of Robert
     Presson, also a native of the Old North State. The last  named  was  a
     farmer, and had a limited education. He was the father  of  four  boys
     and two girls, all of whom died in North Carolina, except William, who
     removed with his family  to  Tennessee  about  1831.  He  was  a  very
     prominent farmer, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal  Church.
     He died in 1850, aged seventy-seven years.  Samuel  removed  with  his
     parents to Tennessee, and settled in what is  now  Benton  County,  in
     which he lived, engaged in farming until his death  in  1885.  He  had
     been an active member of the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  for  sixty
     years, in which he was a class-leader and steward.  To  him  and  wife
     were born twelve children:  Riley  A.  (deceased),  Sarah  (deceased),
     Lydia Ann (deceased), George W. (deceased), Calvin (deceased),  Samuel
     (deceased). Lorenzo (deceased), Neidem W., Rev. James J., Rev.  Thomas
     H., Rev. William M. and Marinda (Mrs. Charles T. Craig). Rev. James J.
     remained with his father until he reached his majority, and resided in
     Tennessee until 1873, when he removed to Mississippi County and rented
     land near Bertrand. In 1875 he removed to the farm  on  which  he  now
     resides, two and three-fourths miles south of Bertrand.  On  July  23,
     1853, he embraced religion, and has since been devoted to the work  of
     saving souls. He was licensed to preach  in  1862,  and  in  1866  was
     ordained deacon in the Methodist Episcopal  Church  South,  by  Bishop
     Payne, at Jackson, Tenn. He remained in active service in that  church
     until August 1887, when he united with  the  Congregational  Methodist
     church, and has an organization of seventy members near his  home.  He
     was united in marriage with Lousia J. Greer, daughter of Benjamin  and
     Susan Greer. To them have been born eleven children, eight of whom are
     living; Susan A. (Mrs. Robert H. Craig), Needham W., Louisan B.,  John
     B., Samuel A. L., Sarah L. (Mrs. J.C. McDoo), Mary J. and Emma  Belle.
     Those deceased are William H., Pritchett and Telitha C.  Mrs.  Presson
     is a consistent member of the same Church

     as her husband.

Hiram Price

Hiram  Price,  a  well-to-do
     farmer  of  Ohio  Township,  Mississippi  Co.,  Mo.,  was  born   near
     Cincinnati, Ohio, July 23, 1830 and is a  son  of  William  and  Sarah
     (Johnson) Price, natives of Virginia  and  New  Jersey,  respectively.
     William Price immigrated to Ohio when young, and located  in  Hamilton
     County, near Cincinnati, where he lived for  several  years.  He  then
     removed to Indiana, and died in Spencer County, of that State in 1855.
     He lost his wife ten years previously (in 1845). They were the parents
     of a large family of children, of whom the subject of this  sketch  is
     the only living member. He was but five years of age when his  parents
     removed to Indiana, and he was there reared to  farm  life,  remaining
     with his parents until the death of his mother.  In  1852  he  married
     Mary Watts, and located in Spencer County,  Ind.,  where  he  remained
     until 1867, when he removed to Evansville,  Ind.,  remaining  there  a
     couple of years. In 1869 he removed to  Kentucky,  and  resided  until
     1874, when he went to Mississippi County, Mo., in which he  has  since
     resided. He now owns a fine farm of 270 acres, which is well improved.
     His wife die din 1867, leaving three children: Joseph W., Clara  (Mrs.
     James T. Grant), and Anna (Mrs.  D.G.  Hartner).  In  1868  Mr.  Price
     married Mary E. Price, who died the same year, and in 1869 he  married
     Melissa A. Chamberlain, by whom he has two children, Dolly and  Della.
     Mr. Price is a member of the  Masonic  fraternity,  and  also  of  the
     I.O.O.F. lodge of Cairo. Ill.

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