Goodspeed's History of Southeast Missouri
Biographies of Mississippi County, 1888


Henry Hainesworth

Rev.   Henry   Hainesworth,
     presiding elder of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, was  born  in
     Hull, England, November 18, 1847. He is the youngest of  six  children
     born to the union of Henry Hainesworth and  Anna  Tomlinson,  both  of
     whom were natives of England. The father was a  wholesale  and  retail
     merchant, which business he followed until  his  death  in  1861.  The
     mother died  in  1872.  Four  of  their  children  are  living:  Anna,
     Richmond, Thomas and Rev. Henry. The last was reared at  his  father's
     home, and was engaged in the mercantile business until he was  twenty-
     three years of age. The early part of his education  was  received  at
     the Army-Naval Academy, of Portsmouth, England, and was  completed  at
     the grammar school of Dudley, England. When twenty-three years of  age
     he began to study for the ministry, and was  licensed  to  preach  the
     gospel at  Newbury,  England.  In  June,  1871,  he  took  passage  at
     Liverpool, on the steamer "Moravian" and landed at Norfolk, Va., after
     a fourteen-day's voyage. He then proceeded to Nashville, Tenn.,  where
     he remained about two months, administering the gospel, after which he
     was sent by the Bishop to Fayetteville, Tenn.,  where  he  joined  the
     Tennessee Conference, and was transferred to St.  James,  Mo.  He  was
     ordained at Charleston, in November 1872, since which time he has been
     preaching the gospel in Southeast  Missouri.  He  has  been  presiding
     elder for eleven years. In the fall of 1885 he removed to  Charleston,
     where he has since resided, presiding over the Charleston District. He
     was married in August 1873, to Mary J. Scott, a daughter of Hon.  J.T.
     Scott. His wife died in 1883, having borne him five children, of  whom
     three are living: Anna M., Harry R. and Mary L. He was  again  married
     on March 30, 1886, choosing for his second wife,  Bula  E.  Staats,  a
     native of Mobile Ala.

Jacob Hainley

Jacob  Hainley,  a  prominent
     farmer and highly respected citizen of Mississippi County, was born on
     January 2, 1822, in Logan County, Ky. He is a son of Jacob and  Bethia
     (Jenkins) Hainley, both  of  German  descent,  and  natives  of  North
     Carolina. The paternal great-grandfather, Jacob Hainley, was a  farmer
     in North Carolina, where he died. The grandfather, Jacob Hainley,  was
     a farmer by vocation. He also died  in  the  Old  North  State.  Jacob
     Hainley, the father, immigrated from his native  State  to  Tennessee,
     thence to Calloway County, Ky., he with his family, removed in  wagons
     to Missouri. He started with the  intention  of  going  to  the  Ozark
     Mountains, but settled on the  edge  of  Mathews'  Prairie,  where  he
     entered forty acres of land, and purchased forty  acres.  On  this  he
     built a log cabin, with puncheon floor and clapboard roof and door, in
     which cabin they lived for several years. He  afterward  made  a  good
     home for himself and family, where he resided until his death in 1842.
     His wife died in 1863. They had eleven children,  of  whom  three  are
     living: George (now in his  eighty-fourth  year,  and  a  resident  of
     Kentucky), Jeannette and Jacob.  Those  dead  are  Thomas,  Henderson,
     Amberline, Ellen, Elizabeth, Eliza and two that died in infancy. Jacob
     was sixteen years old when he came with  his  parents  to  Mississippi
     County, and he remained with his father, helping to improve the  farm,
     until the death of the latter, when he purchased a farm, upon which he
     resided until 1859. He then bought the farm on which he now lives, and
     has  since  built  his  large  dwelling,  and  made  all   the   other
     improvements. He now owns 900  acres  of  good  land,  which  is  well
     improved. In 1865 he was united in marriage with  Polly  A.  Clark,  a
     native  of  Missouri,  and  daughter   of   Nathaniel   and   Marselle
     (Pennington) Clark. Mr. and Mrs.  Hainley  have  had  seven  children;
     Jacob and Charles are the only ones  living.  The  ones  deceased  are
     Masieth, Bettie, Orrie, George and Willie. Mrs. Hainley is a member of
     the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Mr. Hainley is a member  of  the
     I.O.O.F. Politically he is a Democrat, but he has never sought or held
     a political office. He  has  preferred  the  life  of  an  independent
     farmer,  in  which  he  has  been  very  successful.  Nathaniel  Clark
     (deceased), Mrs. Hainley's father, was born in Christian County,  Ky.,
     on May 4, 1804, being a son of Jonathan and Jane (Rogers)  Clark,  the
     former  a  native  of  Ireland,  and  the  latter  of  Scotland.  They
     immigrated to America just before the Revolutionary War,  and  settled
     in North Carolina, where they remained a few years. Mr. Clark being  a
     soldier in the Revolutionary  War.  He  died  in  1850,  in  Christian
     County,  Ky.,  whither  he  had  immigrated  several  years  previous.
     Nathaniel was married in that county, and had  five  children  -  four
     sons and one daughter: Alonzo, Franklin,  Jonathan,  Phine  (deceased)
     and Polly A. Alonzo and Franklin both died in  the  Confederate  army.
     Mr. and Mrs. Clark landed in Mississippi County on March 12, 1832, and
     located in the southern part of Tywappity Township, where  he  entered
     about 400 acres of government land. He died in 1839. Mrs.  Clark  died
     on July  29,  1866.  She  was  a  consistent  member  of  the  Baptist

Alfred L. Hall

Alfred L. Hall  was  born  in
     Virginia in 1841, and is the youngest of eight children born to Andrew
     and Permelia Hall, natives of  Tennessee  and  Virginia  respectively.
     Andrew Hall went to Virginia in his youthful days, and  was  afterward
     married there. After the birth of all his children he, with his family
     removed to Illinois, the subject of this sketch  being  then  but  two
     years of age. They located in Massac County, which  was  the  parents'
     home until their deaths. Alfred L. is the only surviving member of the
     family. He came to Scott County Mo., where he resided until 1864, when
     he removed to Mississippi County and located on his  present  farm  in
     James Bayou Township. In1865 he married Harriet Waters,  a  native  of
     Scott County, Mo. She died in 1870, leaving three  children:  Hannibal
     C., Calvin M. and Alfred W. (twins). She was  also  a  mother  of  one
     child that died in infancy. Mr. Hall afterward married Sarah  Burgess,
     who was born in Pike County, Ohio, and is the  daughter  of  Nathaniel
     and Mary Burgess, natives of Virginia, who went  to  Ohio  with  their
     respective parents when young. They were married in Ohio,  and  became
     the parents of four children, Mrs. Hall being the only one living. Mr.
     and Mrs. Hall enjoyed the comforts  of  a  good  home,  and  have  six
     children: Alice, Elmer, John W., Nancy S., Ella E., Della F.  and  Guy
     I. Mr. Hall manifests considerable interest  in  educational  matters,
     and has served as president of the school  board  for  fifteen  years.
     Mrs.   Hall   is    a    member    of    the    Methodist    Episcopal

James W. Harper

James W. Harper, a successful
     farmer of Mississippi County, Mo., was born in Caldwell  County,  Ky.,
     in 1852 and is a son of Henry H. and Cynthia A. (Castleburry)  Harper,
     both of whom were born and reared in Kentucky. They  were  married  in
     their native State and about 1860 removed to Southeast  Missouri,  and
     located in Mississippi County, on the farm upon which the  subject  of
     this sketch now lives (in St. James Township). The father  died  there
     in 1874 and his widow is now living with her  son,  James  W.  She  is
     sixty-eight years of age, and enjoys fair health. She is the eldest of
     the family of twelve children, viz:  Martha  C.  (Hunter),  James  and
     Washington (twins), Noah, William (deceased),  Nathan,  Althea,  John,
     Perneesa, Benjamin and Mary. To Henry H. and Cynthia  A.  Harper  ware
     born twelve children: Hellen  L.  (Mrs.  W.M.  Wilson,  of  Kentucky),
     Althea E.  (Mrs.  P.  Bishop,  of  Point  Pleasant,  Mo.),  Martha  J.
     (deceased), William W. (deceased), Mildred Ann (deceased),  Louisa  K.
     (deceased), James W., Cynthia S. (deceased), John D. (deceased),  Mary
     P. (Mrs. Marshall Clark), and two  that  died  in  infancy.  James  W.
     engaged in farming for himself on his present place in 1874. His  farm
     consisted of 295 acres with about 100  acres  under  cultivation  with
     good improvements.

William L. Harper

William   L.   Harper,    a
     prominent farmer and stock raiser of Mississippi County, Mo., was born
     in Henry County, Tenn., in 1853 and is  a  son  of  Robert  and  Nancy
     (Smith) Harper, both natives of Middle Tennessee. The former was  born
     in 1805 and is of English descent, his ancestors having settled  first
     in the United Stated near Harper's  Ferry,  Va.  Some  of  the  family
     emigrated from thence to  Middle  Tennessee.  In  1851  Robert  Harper
     removed, with his family to Western Tennessee, where he was engaged in
     farming until 1873 when he removed to  Mississippi  County,  Mo.,  and
     settled on the place where the subject of this sketch now lives.  Both
     parents died at their home in 1881. The mother was born in 1812.  They
     were universally respected, and were the parents of thirteen children,
     three of whom died in infancy. James Harper was taken prisoner at  the
     battle of Atlanta, and  died  soon  after,  leaving  a  wife  and  two
     children: John H. and James B., both residents of Benton County, Tenn.
     Robert Harper was killed in Tennessee during  the  Rebellion  and  was
     buried in his father's orchard in Benton County. He also left  a  wife
     and two children: Maria F. (Mrs.  Samuel  Walters)  John  B.,  Josiah,
     Thomas J., David H., William L. and Green H. William L. Lived with his
     parents until their deaths, when he purchased the  home  farm  of  the
     heirs. In 1888 he sold that farm and purchased 800 acres of good  land
     one mile north of Bertrand; with about 350  acres  under  cultivation,
     upon which is a good residence called Wood Lawn.  Mr.  Harper  married
     Fannie Ostner,  daughter  of  Ferdinand  and  Elizabeth  (  Espinasse)
     Ostner, natives of Germany and France, respectively.  Mrs.  Ostner  is
     the daughter of a French army officer, and niece  of  Gen.  Espinasse,
     who feel at Sebastopol, in October 1854. Mr.  Ostner  removed  to  St.
     Louis in 1850 and in 1868 or 1869 to Scott County, Mo., where he  owns
     about 2,000 acres of land and is now extensively  engaged  in  farming
     and stock raising. He and wife  are  the  parents  of  four  children:
     Fannie (Mrs. Harper), Katie (Mrs. Welch), Clara (Mrs. Daniel) and Max.
     Mr. and Mrs. Harper have two children:  Robert  Ferdinand  and  Eunice

William M. Harris

William  M.  Harris,  of  the
     firm of W.M. & A.C. Harris, farmers and dealers in stock, was born
     in Mississippi County, Mo., February 8, 1845. He is a son of Alfred E.
     and Barbara (Martin) Harris, of  whom  the  former  was  a  native  of
     Charleston, S.C. He immigrated to Daviess County,  Ky.,  at  an  early
     day, and remained until 1835, when in November of that year  he,  with
     his family, immigrated to Mississippi County,  Mo.,  coming  down  the
     Ohio River in a flat-boat. Unloading his goods  at  Bird's  Point,  he
     went to Long Prairie, and made a settlement on what is  now  known  as
     the Sherman farm. He purchased 600 acres of unimproved land, the  most
     of which was heavy timbered, consequently it required several years of
     hard labor to make his start in life. Neighbors were scarce,  and  the
     wild animals were frequent callers at his cabin door. He made that his
     home till 1855, when he purchased and located upon 600 acres  of  land
     near Greenfield's landing. Remaining there until  1860,  he  purchased
     and removed to the farm upon which the Harris brothers now reside.  He
     remained there until his death in 1866. His widow still  survives,  in
     her seventy-fifth years, and makes her home with  her  sons  W.M.  and
     A.C. She and husband were the parents of ten children, six of whom are
     living: Mary Edens, Martha V. (Mrs. William Rodney), Phoebe  C.  (Mrs.
     Frederick Duvall), Richard  B.,  William  M.  and  Alvin  C.  The  two
     gentlemen last named have never married. They  are  indeed  wide-awake
     and successful business men, and  own  one  of  the  finest  farms  in
     Southeast Missouri. They have 2,000 acres of fine  land,  mostly  used
     for corn, wheat and watermelons. It is all, with the exception of  160
     acres under cultivation; 800 acres are in one tract, of which 660  are
     sown in wheat this season. They are extensive dealers in stock of  all
     kinds, handling annually between $40,000 and $50,000 worth,  and  feed
     from 200 to 300 head of cattle each year. They also keep a great  many
     hogs. In 1885 they had 600 acres of watermelons under cultivation, and
     each year they pay considerable attention to  raising  melons,  having
     about 200 acres for that purpose. They ship an  average  of  150  car-
     loads annually. Their homestead is beautifully situated about  a  mile
     northwest of Charleston.

John T. Heggie

John T. Heggie  was  born  in
     Caswell County, N.C., September 24, 1837, and is a  son  of  Archibald
     and Nancy (Love) Heggie. The  paternal  great-grandparents  came  from
     Scotland and settled in Virginia, and removed  from  thence  to  North
     Carolina. The grandfather, James Heggie, was a tailor by trade,  which
     he followed during his life. The maternal great-grandparents came from
     Ireland, and located in North Carolina. The  grandfather,  John  Love,
     was born about 1792, and was a farmer by vocation. He  die  din  1840.
     The maternal grandmother, Love, was a relative of Gen. Robert E.  Lee.
     Archibald Heggie was born on April 23, 1811, in Person County N.C. and
     was reared on a farm. Along with the rising generation of those  early
     times, he received but a limited education. In  1846  he  removed  his
     family to Benton County, Tenn., and  a  journey  which  required  five
     weeks and three days was made in  wagons.  After  arriving  there,  he
     purchased a farm, upon which he resided until 1874, when he immigrated
     to Mississippi County, Mo., whither his son, John  T.  had  previously
     removed. He located near Bertrand, where he resided until his death on
     December 25, 1887.  He  was  a  consistent  member  of  the  Methodist
     Episcopal Church, and his widow, who is still living, is also a member
     of that church. She was born in Caswell County, N.C., on  October  19,
     1820. They were the parents of three children: John T., Martha A. (now
     the wife of Robert W. Ayers, of Benton County, Tenn)  and  James  (who
     died in 1836). John T. being but nine years of age  when  his  parents
     removed to Benton County, Tnn., his education was  secured  there.  He
     remained with his father on the farm until he was  twenty-three  years
     of age, when he was united in marriage (on May 31, 1860) with Mary  T.
     Rushing, a daughter of Richard and  Mahala  (Ashcroft)  Rushing,  both
     natives of Tennessee,  now  deceased.  In  1861  he  enlisted  in  the
     Confederate army, joining Capt. R.W. Ayers' Company, and was  assigned
     to post duty at Danville, Tenn., guarding  a  railroad  bridge.  After
     remaining there some time he was ordered to Henderson Station,  Tenn.,
     to guard the railroad, where they remained until after the  battle  of
     Corinth, when their command was cut off, and they received  orders  to
     mount themselves and go to Tullahoma, when  they  were  again  put  on
     guard for a short time, when the company reorganized, and  Mr.  Heggie
     was elected second lieutenant. He was taken prisoner at Lindon, Tenn.,
     and sent to Alton, Ill., where he was held  one  month  and  exchanged
     after which he was sent east,  but  arriving  at  Pittsburgh,  he  was
     ordered to  Johnston's  Island,  where  he  was  held  prisoner  until
     February 20, 1865, when he was sent on exchange, and  joined  his  old
     command  at  Marion,  Ala.,  but  before  thirty  days  the  army  had
     surrendered. In 1866 he rented a farm in Henderson County,  Tenn.  and
     raised one crop, when he removed to  Haywood  County.  From  there  he
     removed to Benton County, and remained until 1873, when he  immigrated
     to Mississippi County, Mo. He purchased 240 acres of  land,  which  he
     cultivated until 1879, when he  sold  it  and  purchased  property  in
     Bertrand, in which town he built a grist-mill and cotton gin, which he
     managed for several years. He was also railroad agent in Bertrand  for
     seven years, and was meanwhile engaged in the mercantile business.  He
     moved to his present home in Charleston in December1886. He still owns
     considerable property in and around Bertrand. On November 7, 1886,  he
     was elected clerk of Mississippi County, receiving the greatest number
     of votes of any candidate for any office. He and wife  are  consistent
     members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He is a Mason  and  a
     member of the A.O. U.W. Mr. and Mrs. Heggie are the Parents of  twelve
     children, viz: Susan L., Mattie E., Richard A., Robert  E.L.,  Lillian
     M., Fannie M., Mary E.,  John  P.,  Bessie  F.,  Eula  B.,  Arthur  W.
     (deceased)                and                an                 infant

Ferdinand J. Hess

Ferdinand   J.   Hess,   an
     enterprising  farmer  and  stock  raiser,  located  on  Black   Bayou,
     Mississippi Co., Mo. Was born in Gibson County, Tenn, and is a son  of
     Nelson I. and Catherine  H.  (Hill)  Hess,  natives  of  Kentucky  and
     Tennessee, respectively [see sketch of Dr. J.H. Hess]. The subject  of
     this sketch was reared at the home of his parents, and after the death
     of his father, much of the care of the family devolved  upon  him.  He
     received a good education at Andrew  College,  which  is  a  Methodist
     Episcopal school at Trenton,  Tenn.  In  1875  he  came  to  Southeast
     Missouri and located in Wolf Island Township. He purchased his land on
     Black Bayou in  1885,  and  he  is  adding  every  year  to  its  many
     improvements. His farm consists of 900 acres of the best land  on  the
     bayou, with 400 acres under cultivation. He raises an average of 8,000
     bushels of grain annually, which he ships  to  different  markets.  He
     also deals largely in stock, and always has on his farm a  great  many
     head of cattle, mules, and such other animals  necessary  to  run  the
     farm. He is a judge of  the  county  court,  representing  the  Second
     District   of   Mississippi   County.   In   politics    he    is    a

John L. Howlett

John L. Howlett, a  prominent
     farmer of Mississippi County, was born  in  Bullitt  County,  Ky.,  on
     October 26, 1836, and is the son of Luke and Eliza (Lee)  Howlett,  of
     Scotch-Irish  descent  and   natives   of   Virginia   and   Kentucky,
     respectively.  The  grandfather,  John  Howlett,  was  also  born   in
     Virginia, and was in the War of 1812, participating in the  battle  of
     New Orleans under Gen. Jackson. He emigrated from his native State  to
     Kentucky at an early period. Luke Howlett was an infant when  he  went
     with his parents to Bullitt County, Ky. He was there  reared  to  farm
     life, and remained until hid death in 1883. His widow is still  living
     in Kentucky, at the age of seventy-three years. They were the  parents
     of nine  children,  seven  of  whom  are  living:  John  L.,  William,
     Franklin,  Miles,  Bettie,  Alice  and  Selenia.  Those  deceased  are
     Drusilla and Aura. John L. remained in his native county until he  was
     twenty-two years of age, when he  came  to  Missouri.  He  came  on  a
     steamer from Louisville to Price's Landing, walking  from  the  latter
     place to Charleston. In 1858 he bought 120 acres of land,  upon  which
     he has since resided. The land was timbered and required the labor  of
     several years to get it under cultivation. He has since purchased more
     land, and now has 760 acres, with 500  under  cultivation,  with  good
     improvements. In 1859 he was united  in  marriage  with  Elizabeth,  a
     daughter of William T. Lee. She died on March 2, 1885,  leaving  three
     children: Sterling P., Luke and John L., Jr. Mr. Howlett is  a  Mason.
     He has served as constable two terms and as deputy one  term.  He  was
     second lieutenant of Col. Deal's militia. On  February  22,  1887,  he
     wedded Rilda, a daughter of Thomas Lee. He and wife are members of the
     Baptist Church.

Charles J. Hubbard

Charles   J.   Hubbard,   an
     influential  stock  dealer,  merchant  and  farmer  of  East  Prairie,
     Mississippi Co., Mo., was bon in New Madrid County, 1851, and is a son
     of William B. Hubbard, a native of Kentucky,  who  came  to  Southeast
     Missouri when about sixteen years  of  age,  and  married  Malinda  J.
     Barnes, a native of Southeast Missouri. Mr.  Hubbard  located  in  New
     Madrid County, near the mouth of James Bayou, where he  and  wife  are
     still living, engaged in farming in which business he  has  been  very
     successful. To them were born six children:  George  W.,  Charles  J.,
     Martha B. (wife of Isaac De Leon, who lives on the home  place),  John
     S., Robert N. (deceased) and C. Thomas (deceased). Charles J. remained
     at his father's home, and assisted on the farm until  he  was  twenty-
     four years of age, when he removed  to  East  Prairie,  and  commenced
     farming. He has now a good farm of 320  acres  with  about  200  under
     cultivation. He owns several buildings in East  Prairie,  including  a
     good hotel. He handles annually about  35,000  or  40,000  bushels  of
     corn, 1,000 head of hogs and 500 head of cattle.  He  has  been  twice
     married, the first time to Eudora Fugate who was born  and  reared  in
     Southeast Missouri, and was a daughter of Bird Fugate. To  this  union
     were born four children: Paulina, Arluna, Bird and Jesse.  The  mother
     of these children died in August 6,  1886.  Mr.  Hubbard  married  the
     second time Mrs. Mattie Long,  a  native  of  Kentucky.  She  has  two
     children by her first marriage: Minnie and Lena. Mr. Hubbard is one of
     Mississippi County's enterprising citizens, in the progress  of  which
     he takes great interest.

Benjamin Huff

Benjamin  Huff,  sheriff  of
     Mississippi County, was born in that county on August 19, 1843, and is
     a son of William D. Huff, a native of  Breckenridge  County,  Ky.  The
     latter  is  a  son  of  Benjamin  Huff,  who  came  from  Germany   to
     Breckenridge County, Ky., at a very early day, and was a settler  with
     Daniel Boone, with whom he used to hunt. He was the first  sheriff  of
     Breckenridge County, and was among the first to represent  the  county
     in the Legislature. He was in the Indian War, and was captured at  one
     time on the Ohio River, at the mouth of Salt River by  red  men.  They
     put him on a raft and tied him with a buckskin thong, but he  loosened
     it, pushed one of the guards off into the river, and shot  the  other.
     He owned considerable land which he had taken up from the  government.
     The paternal grandmother was  a  sister  of  Ben.  Hardin,  who  built
     Hardinsburg Fort, a German settlement. William D. Huff was  reared  to
     farm life in his native State, in which he  married  Elizabeth  Walls,
     also a native of Breckenridge County, Ky. In 1843  he  went  down  the
     Ohio River on a flat-boat, which he had built  for  that  purpose,  to
     Bird's Point, Mississippi County, Mo. From thence he went to  what  is
     known as Mathews' Prairie. During the big flood in the spring of 1844,
     he removed to Fish Lake, and bought a pre-emption, with about  ten  or
     twelve acres improved, from a Mr. Bill George. Here he made a home and
     resided until his death in December 1860. His wife is also dead.  They
     had four children, two of whom are  living:  Benjamin  and  Elizabeth,
     widow of Edwin Quinn. The subject of this  sketch  remained  with  his
     father until the latter's death. About this time, troops were  called,
     and in Jun 1861 he enlisted in the Confederate army,  joining  Company
     A, Fortieth  Tennessee,  provisional  army.  He  participated  in  the
     battles of Corinth, Coffeeville and the siege of  Island  No.  10,  of
     which he saw the surrender. He was taken prisoner by  Gen.  Grant  and
     sent to Camp Douglas, Chicago, where he was kept six months,  when  he
     was exchanged and assigned to  the  Eighth  Kentucky  Regiment.  Being
     captured again at Coffeeville  in  November  1862,  he  was  taken  to
     Oxford, Miss., where he was imprisoned two weeks, when he was paroled.
     Returning home he engaged in farming, which has  since  continued.  He
     has been a resident of Charleston since December 8, 1884.  On  January
     1, 1863, he was united in marriage with Martha  Hargan,  a  native  of
     Hardin County, Ky., by whom he has one child, Martha B.,  who  married
     James  T.  Brown,  September  22,  1878.  They  have  three  children:
     Benjamin, Effie Maud and Thomas, all of whom live at  Huff's  Landing,
     Mississippi County. Mr. and Mrs. Huff are  members  of  the  Methodist
     Episcopal Church South. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity,  and
     of the I.O.O.F. In 1884 he was elected sheriff and collector, and  was
     re-elected sheriff in 1886. He is public-spirited, and is one  of  the
     prominent               men               of               Mississippi

William H. Humphreys

William  W.   Humphreys,   a
     prominent farmer of Mississippi County, was born on December 10, 1837,
     two miles northeast of Charleston. He is a son of Washington  and  Ann
     M. (Russell) Humphreys,  both  of  English  descent,  and  natives  of
     Maryland. The family came west in 1836, in company  with  the  Russell
     and Moore families, making the journey to Wheeling,  Va.,  in  wagons,
     and from thence by water to  West  Philadelphia,  now  called  Price's
     Landing. Mr. Humphreys was a shoe-maker  by  vocation,  and  died  two
     years after his arrival in  Southeast  Missouri.  Mrs.  Humphreys  was
     married in 1840 to W.B. Bush, who removed to Southeast Missouri  1813,
     and was one of Mississippi County's most prominent men, having  served
     as judge of the court for a number of years. He died on July 23, 1859.
     His widow lived until July 7, 1885. There were two  children  born  to
     the first marriage: James W. (who  was  born  in  1836,  and  died  in
     August, 1845) and William W. The children by the second  marriage  are
     Paleman C., John L. (killed by a train  in  1869),  Richard  B.  (died
     August 23, 1865), James L., Joseph R., Galena A. (died In 1873),  Mary
     E. (died September 22, 1862) and Price L. William W.  Humphreys  lived
     at his mother's home until he was  twenty-one  years  of  age,  taking
     charge of the farm after the death  of  his  father.  When  twenty-two
     years of age he was married to Emma Noyes,  a  native  of  Mississippi
     County. Her parents were natives of New Hampshire, and  immigrated  to
     Louisville, Ky., in 1818 and in 1831 to Southeast  Missouri,  removing
     to Mississippi County in 1840. Her father died in 1845 and  his  widow
     was married to Francis Kirkpatrick in1853. She died in October 5, 1875
     and was the mother of four children, all of whom are dead.  After  his
     marriage Mr. Humphreys located in Long Prairie Township, where he  has
     since resided, engaged in farming, with the exception of seven  months
     in 1871. He sold out and removed to Newton County, but  did  not  like
     the country, so returned to his native county, and  settled  where  he
     now resides. He has taken a prominent part in politics, in which he is
     a Democrat. In 1882 he aspired for the judgeship of  the  county,  but
     was defeated on account of  the  negro  vote  going  solidly  for  his
     opponent. He was a member of the Democratic central committee for  six
     years. His wife died on February 22,  1877,  having  borne  him  seven
     children,  viz:  Walter  (deceased),  Elizabeth  (deceased),  Mary  G.
     (deceased),  William  M.  (deceased),  Julia,  Flora,  and   John   M.
     (deceased). On June 2, 1877, Mr.  Humphreys  was  married  to  Harriet
     Robinson. Six children have been born to this union: Emma  F.,  Albert
     H., Minnie L., Gertrude, Cora M. and James A. Mr. Humphreys has been a
     member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for thirty-three  years.  His
     wife is also a member. He is a Mason. He joined the  I.O.G.T.  in  May
     1855, and he declares that he has never violated the obligation  taken
     at that  time.  He  has  also  been  a  member  of  the  A.O.U.W.  but
     surrendered his policy because he was not able to support  his  family
     and keep assessments paid up.  Mr.  Humphreys  has  followed  teaching
     school and other vocations, such as railroad  agent,  shipping  agent,
     clerking in dry-goods stores, weighing corn, etc. He is hale and harty
     and enjoys the esteem and confidence of a large circle of friends  and
     acquaintances, and seems to be good for many years of active life. His
     average            wight            is            about            185

Charles F. Hurst

Charles F. Hurst, foreman  of
     Bird's Mill, Mississippi County, Mo.,  was  born  in  the  Kingdom  of
     Saxony, Germany, in November 1842. His father, John Hurst, is  also  a
     native of Germany, who immigrated to America  in1854  and  located  in
     Knoxville, Tenn. His mother died soon after reaching America, in 1854.
     John Hurst engaged in farming as  his  chief  vocation  while  in  his
     native land, but also worked at the milling business some. He was also
     a mechanic. He still  resides  in  Knoxville,  but  has  retired  from
     business. He and wife had six children,  all  of  whom  were  born  in
     Germany. Four of  them  are  living:  Charles  F.,  Jane,  Minnie  and
     Augusta. Charles F., being about twelve years of age when his  parents
     removed to America, had received  a  fair  education  in  Germany.  He
     remained  with  his  father  until  1861,  when  he  enlisted  in  the
     Confederate army, joining the Third Missouri Cavalry, under Gen. Price
     at Springfield, Mo. He participated in the battles of Pea Ridge, Iuka,
     Corinth,  Champion's  Hill,  Big  Black   River,   and   other   minor
     engagements, being captured by Grant's army at the last  named  place.
     He was taken to Camp Morton  prison,  thence  to  Fort  Delaware,  and
     afterward to Point Lookout. After being held as  a  prisoner  for  ten
     months, he was paroled, after which he went to  St.  Louis,  where  he
     engaged in steam boating on the Mississippi  River  for  three  years,
     making St. Louis his home. January 1, 1868, he located in  Mississippi
     County, where he has since resided. He now owns  about  500  acres  of
     land with 200 acres under cultivation. In 1869 he wedded Anna Wells, a
     native of Tennessee. They have five sons: John C., Charles J., William
     A., Harry L. and Arthur B. Mr. Hurst  is  a  Mason.  He  has  been  in
     Stephen Bird's employ for twenty years, as foreman of both grist  mill
     and saw and planing mills. He is a notary public, and is  serving  his
     second         term         as         justice         of          the


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