Willis M. Chapman
Willis M. Chapman, a substantial farmer and stock raiser of Mississippi County, Mo., was born in Ohio County, Ky. , in 1822 and is a son of Willis and Nancy (Render) Chapman, natives of South Carolina and Virginia, respectively. The parents were married in Ohio County, KY., having removed there when young people. Mr. Chapman was a very active and industrious man, and after his marriage engaged in farming. In March 1849, he removed with his family to Southeast Missouri, and located near the concord settlement in Mississippi County. His wife died there in 1853, aged seventy-three years, and he died in 1859, at the age of eighty-four years. They were very active members and two of the principal supporters of the Baptist Church. Their children were born as follows: Robert, in1 807, died in 1845; Sarah (widow of Wm. B. Smith) in 1808, now living in Indiana; Judith, in 1810 (widow of E. Dalton); Joshua deceased in his tenth year; Ezekiel, in 1814, died in 1861; Eliza (Mrs. Randal D. Heck), in 1816, died in Texas in 1840; Mary (widow of William L. Chapman, of Indiana) in 1819; Willis M., in 1822; Elijah W., in 1824, died in Southeast Missouri in 1870. The father of the above was married the first time in his native State to Elizabeth Dunlap, who died after their removal to Kentucky. To them were born four children, all deceased: Lavinia, Ellis, Solomon and Nancy. Willis M. Chapman remained at the home of his parents, assisting on the farm, until he was about thirty-two years of age. In 1856 he wedded Ann Mary Martin, a daughter of Andrew J. Martin, a native of Kentucky, who removed to Mississippi County, Mo., in 1855, and located on a farm in Tywappity Township where he and wife both died. Mrs. Chapman was born in 1834, and died in 1866, having borne four children, as follows: Andrew W., January 28, 1866. Mr. Chapman lived on his home farm, which is well improved. His sister Judith resides with him and takes care of his house. He is a member of the Baptist Church at Concord, and a member of the Masonic lodge at Charleston. His son, Dr. Andrew W., while attending school at Charleston, formed the idea of studying medicine, and as soon as his education would admit, in the fall of 1879, he commenced under the direction of Dr. Bondurant, of that place. After about one year he entered a medical college at Louisville, Ky., graduating from the institution on March 1, 1882. Returning to Charleston he formed a partnership with his preceptor, which continued until 1885, when he went to St. Louis and took another course of lectures. In 1886 he located at East Prairie, where he has continued to practice his profession. He is a young man of good moral habits, and is highly respected. He has a good office and applies himself closely to his profession, and is considered one of the leading physicians of the county. |
Solomon S. Clayton
Solomon S. Clayton, a substantial farmer of Mississippi County, was born in Person County, N.C., in 1844. When about one year of age he was taken by his parents to Macon County, N.C., in which they resided about nine years, when they removed to Benton County, Tenn. The subject of this sketch remained there until 1874, when he came to Southeast Missouri, where he has since resided. He is a son of William B. and Mary P.(Heggie) Clayton, natives of North Carolina. The former died in Tennessee, and his widow is still living in Benton County, that State. She is eighty years of age, and is in remarkably good health. To them were born five children: Solomon S., Francis (deceased), William T., Mary (Mrs. Ingram Hargis) and Emily C. (Mrs. Charles E. Dickerson). All the children reside in Tennessee, except Solomon S. The parents were highly respected people. The father was a member of the Baptist Church, and the mother is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1881 Solomon S. was united in marriage with Susan Combs, a native of Benton County, Tenn., born in 1848. She is a daughter of Orison G. and Missouri (Broaden) Combs, natives of North Carolina, who removed to Tennessee in 1847 and reared six children: William (deceased), James H., Francis, Eliza J., Susan and Artie M. They lost three children in infancy. The father died in 1870 and his widow is still living in Tennessee. They were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton are also members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a member of the A.F. & A.M., Lodge No. 330. |
James Clarkson
James Clarkson was born in Daviess County, Ky., August 22, 1828. He is one of six children born to the union of Jabez Clarkson and Synthia A. Small, the former a native of Mercer County, and the latter of Daviess County, Ky. His paternal grandfather, William Clarkson, came from England and settled in Virginia, but afterward immigrated to Mercer County, Ky., where he died. Jabez Clarkson was a farmer, and in 1833 he immigrated, with his family, to Mississippi County, Mo., coming to Bird's Point on a flat- boat. He located on the prairie near where Charleston now stands, taking up government land. He afterward bought more land, and at the time of his death owned about 1,200 acres. He died in 1858. His first wife died in 1840. Their children are John, James, Mary (deceased), Frances (deceased), Warner (deceased), and Jabez (deceased). Jabez Clarkson was married the second time to Manica Shepherd, of Cape Girardeau County, Mo., in 1842. She died in 1856. The children of this union were Margaret, Henry (deceased), Taylor, Jessie (deceased), Manica (deceased). James was in his fifth year when he was brought by his parents to Mississippi County. He was brought up to farm life, which occupation he has always followed. He is one of the pioneers of his county, and has done a great deal for its improvement. In 1863 he was untied in marriage with Fannie daughter of Hansford and Martha (Randolph) Rouse, of Henderson county, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Clarkson are the parents of three children in life and six dead. Those living are Georgia R., Nora M. and Lota M. |
Isaac T. Clarkson
Isaac T. Clarkson, clerk of the circuit court of Mississippi County, Mo., was born in that county November 12, 1848, and is a son of Jabez and Minica (Sheppard) Clarkson. He lived on a farm until he was fifteen years of age, and attended the common schools. He then went to Cairo, Ill., and remained there with a sister four or five years, attending the city schools the most of the time. He thus secured a common education. For some time he served as clerk in the wholesale grocery store of Stratton & Bird, in Cairo, after which he removed to Charleston, and was engaged in the mercantile business for a few years. In 1886 he was elected to his present office. He has served as city clerk for one term, and as city councilman for several terms. Politically he is a Democrat, and is a prominent young citizen of Charleston. On August 27, 1877, he was united in marriage with Jennie Rouse, by whom he has four children, two sons and two daughters, viz: Jabez, Frank, Pearl and Wella. Mr. Clarkson is an Odd Fellow and a member of the Encampment, and also a member of the K. of P. and Masons. |
Thomas J. Coleman
Dr. Thomas J. Coleman was born in February, 1834, in Kentucky, and is a son of Archibald Coleman, who was born in North Carolina in 1790. The latter married Elizabeth Moorman, a native of Virginia, born in 1797. Her people removed to Kentucky, about 1813 or 1814, and located in Hopkins and adjoining counties. She died in 1838, and her husband died in 1860. Their children were John M., Charles H. (deceased), Jane M., Beverly C. (deceased), Archibald C. (deceased), Francis D. (deceased), Andrew J., Dr. George W., (deceased), Thomas J., Benjamin F. (deceased), Mary V. (deceased), and Lewis (deceased. Dr. Thomas J. remained at home until he was fourteen years of age, at which time his father married his second wife. He then attended school and traded until he was seventeen years old, when he entered college at Greenville, Ky., graduating in 1856. Two years later he entered the Medical University at Nashville, Tenn., graduating from that institution in 1859, after which he practiced his profession for six months in Logan County, Ky. During the war he served as a Government agent for the Confederate States, and in 1863 returned to Hopkins County, Ky., and resumed practicing his profession. In the spring of 1847 he came to Southeast Missouri and located in Mississippi County, and continued to practice medicine until 1880, since which time he has only devoted a part of his time to it, and has been engaged in farming. He was first married in September 1867, to Mildred A. Harper, a native of Kentucky. She died in November 1874, having borne five children: Mildred (deceased), Ann E., Inah J., Albert H. and Marion V. (deceased). Dr. Coleman was married in February 1875 to Nancy Davis, also a native of Kentucky. She died that year, and he was married in November to Mary M. Horn, a native of Benton County, Tenn. To this union were born four children: Andrew B. (decease), Archibald T. (deceased), John V. and Goerge G. Mrs. Coleman died in January 27, 1888. Dr. Coleman was a member of the Baptist Church before coming to Missouri. He is a member of the A.F. & A.M. and of the Southeast Missouri Medical Society. |
Archibald D. Coleman
Archibald D. Coleman, a substantial farmer of Mississippi County, was born on October 28, 1845, in Hopkins County, Ky., and is a son of Charles H. and Marcella (Pennington) Coleman, both of Irish descent, and natives of Kentucky. The grandfather, Archibald Coleman, was a resident of Kentucky. Charles H. Coleman was a farmer and blacksmith, and in 1851 he immigrated to Mississippi County, Mo., making the journey in wagons. He located about one mile east of where his son, Archibald D., now resides, on which farm he removed a few years later, and resided there until his death in 1867. His wife died in 1866. They had six children: Charles H. (deceased), Archibald D., Unissa (deceased), Elizabeth, George W., and Andrew J. The mother of our subject was married twice. By her first husband, P.E. Clark, she had five children: Jonathan C., Polly (Mrs. Jacob Hainley), Alonzo, Franklin and Phineul, of whom the last three are deceased. She came to Mississippi County in 1840, but after the death of her husband she went back to Kentucky (in 1844). She was there married to Charles H. Coleman, and when Archibald D. was about six years of age, they removed to Mississippi County. The subject of this sketch has since resided in that county with the exception of one year that he lived in Illinois. He now owns 100 acres of good land, with modern improvements. In August 1870, he was united in marriage with Caroline Baker, a native of North Carolina, by whom he has six children: Lenorah, James Walter (deceased), Archie, Adelia, Girtrude and Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman are members of the Baptist Church. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., and of the Wheeler Society. In politics he is a Democrat. |
William Collier
William Collier was born in Jackson County, Ill., in 1835, and is a son of Samuel Collier, born in North Carolina in 1808. The latter was the son of William and Nancy Collier, both natives of North Carolina. They were the parents of seven children, and died when Samuel was a small child. The latter remained in his native State until he was sixteen years of age, when he worked his way to Illinois, after which he worked as a laborer on a farm till he saved money enough to buy some land, when he engaged in farming for himself. He proved to be a very successful farmer, owning at one time 400 acres of land. In 1830 he was united in marriage with Sarah Hooker, a native of Tennessee. To this union were born Drusilla (widow of Henry Fraley), William, Eliza (widow of Daniel Reeder), John, Jane (deceased at the age of fourteen), Daniel (deceased at the age of seven years), James (scalded to death at the age of five years), Anna (deceased at the age of two years), and Sarah (Mrs. C. Tucker, died in 1865, leaving an infant son). The parents were very active members of the Free Will Baptist Church. The mother died in September 1854, and the father married Mrs. Sarah Davis. He died in May 1861. William remained at his father's home until he was about twenty years of age, when he began farming for himself. In 1873 he removed to Southeast Missouri, and located on a farm of 200 acres, one mile from Bertrand, upon which he now resides. On September 7, 1856, he wedded Sarah Ann Stacy, born in Tennessee in 1837. She is a daughter of Selatial and Harriet (Fowler) Stacy, natives of Tennessee, who removed to Illinois when Mrs. Collier was about ten years old. Mr. Stacy died in 1854, and Mrs. Stacy married Moses Forby, who died, and she is now living, a widow, in Southeast Missouri. She had eleven children, ten by her first husband, viz: Isaac (deceased), Rebecca (widow of George Peterson), Sarah A., Margaret (Mrs. Lycurgus Slavens, deceased), Hiram (deceased), Mary M. (Mrs. William Forby, deceased), John (deceased), Francis M., Jane (Mrs. Jonathan Rose, deceased), and William (deceased). The other Hannah Forby, died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Stacy were members of the Mormon Church. Politically, Mr. Collier is a Republican. In August 1862, he enlisted in the Federal army, joining the Eighty-First Illinois Volunteer Infantry. After the siege of Vicksburg, he went home on furlough, and while on his way took the sore eyes, which caused him to be transferred in 1864 to the Twentieth Veteran Reserve Corps, after which he was sent to Maryland to guard a prison. In the spring of 1865 he was discharged. In 1861 he was with a company that was guarding a bridge on the Illinois Central Railroad at which place he was taken with the measles, from which he has never fully recovered. He and wife have had two children, Drusilla (who died when thirteen months of age), and John Henry (who was born on November 21, 1859). He is now living on the home place engaged in farming. On January 18, 1881, he was united in marriage with Candies Shelby, a native of Mississippi County. Three children have blessed their union: Mary A., Julia Agnes and LuLu May. Mrs. Collier, is the daughter of Wiley and Ann Shelby, both of whom died when she was a child. They were the parents of nine children: Ivan (deceased). May (deceased), Josephine, Julia, Thomas, Robert, Wiley, Ann and Mrs. Collier. The last named lived with Joseph Russell until his death, after which she lived with Judge Brown, of Charleston, till her marriage. |
Joseph Crenshaw
Joseph Crenshaw, miller at Charleston, was born in Bullitt County, Ky., March 15, 1830. He is a son of Richard Crenshaw, who was born in Kentucky in 1804. The paternal grandfather, Cosby Crenshaw, was a Virginian, and immigrated to Kentucky at an early day, where he resided, engaged in farming, until his death. Richard Crenshaw was reared to farm life in his native State where he married Marty J. Moore, a native of Maryland, born in 1803. In the fall of 1832, he removed his family and goods on a steamboat down the river to Norfolk, from whence they came to Mathews' Prairie. He entered 400 acres of land and erected a rude log cabin, in which he lived for some years. He soon had his land under cultivation and improved. He died in February 1836. His widow died in March 1859. They were the parents of four children: Margaret S. (deceased), Catherine E. (deceased), Richard S. (deceased) and Joseph C. The last named, the only survivor of the family, was about two years of age when he came with his parents to Mississippi County. He remained with them until he was grown, when he bought a farm, which he cultivated, and kept bachelor's hall for about two years. In September 1852, he wedded Martha A. Bridwell, a daughter of Coleman and Elizabeth (Gratehouse) Bridwell. After his marriage he lived on his farm, and has made farming his chief vocation through life. However, since 1869, he has run the fouring-mill in charleston, which mill he equipped with the roller process in 1884. He owns 575 acres of land, 300 of which are adjacent to the town of Charleston. His wife died in 1876 having borne him eight children, six of whom are living: James C., Isaac A., Marty E. (Mrs. E.P. Deal), Henry M., Marvin B. and Joseph M. Mr. Crenshaw was married in February, 1879 to Rachel A. (Lusk) Marbury, by which union he has one child, William C. Mr. and Mrs. Crenshaw are consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He is a Mason. |
I. Albert Crenshaw
I. Albert Crenshaw a very successful farmer and miller of Mississippi Co., Mo., is a native of that county, born on December 11, 1858, and is a son of Joseph C. and Martha A. (Bridwell) Crenshaw, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume. Albert was reared on a farm, and his education, which was begun in the common schools, was supplemented by a high school course. He afterward entered the State University, but remained but a short time, on account of sickness. In 1885 he purchased a half interest in the flouring mill from his father. He is now very successfully managing the mill, and cultivating 400 acres of land, upon which he raises annually an average of 3,000 bushels of corn and 2,500 bushels of wheat. Besides that, he owns fifty-four acres of fine land under cultivation, with good improvements, upon which he has a nice residence. He also deals in horses, hogs, cattle, etc. On April 26, 1881, he was united in marriage with Ella Oliver, a native of Callaway County, Mo. Two children have blessed this union, Joseph C. and Archie E. Mr. Crenshaw has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church since he was eleven years of age. His wife is also a member of that church. He is a Wheeler. |
Francis M. Crosswhaite
Francis M. Crosswhaite, a farmer and stock raiser of Mississippi County, was born in Adams County, Ohio, in 1858. His parents were George W. and Deborah (Cooper) Crosswhaite, natives of Bourbon County, Ky., and Adams County, Ohio, respectively. The former went to Ohio about 1850, and to Adams County in 1856, where he was married the next year. He was a stone mason, bricklayer and plasterer, which trade he learned in Cincinnati, soon after moving to Ohio. In 1865 he removed his family to Northwest Missouri, where he lived for three years, working at his trade. In the fall of 1869 he came to Southeast Missouri, and located on Shelley's Ridge, in Mississippi County, but in 1874 he bought a farm, and located on what is known as Hoe-Cake Ridge. He improved his farm and lived there until his death on July 20, 1880. His wife died on February 8, 1879. Their children were: Francis M., Cassius, George W., (deceased), Ida May (deceased), Anna (deceased), Olive (deceased), John (deceased) William (now in Adams County, Ohio, attending school) and Robert M. (deceased). Francis M. lived with his parents until 1876, and then from 1878 until their deaths, spending the time between those dates in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. In 1880 he was united in marriage with Josephine Jones who was born in Mississippi County in 1864, and is a daughter of Thomas and Parthena (Calhoun) Jones, natives of Kentucky, who came to Southeast Missouri in 1861, and located on a farm near that of our subject's. Mrs. Jones still resides there, her husband having died in 1874. To them were born six children: Laura, Adar, William, Josephine, Frank (deceased) and one that died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Crosswhaite have had four children: Anna (deceased), Bertie, Exa and Estella. Besides Mr. Crosswhaite's farming interests, he is also engaged in rafting logs during the high water. |
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