S.G. Tetwiler
S.G. Tetwiler, the editor and publisher of the The Democrat, Charleston, Mo., was born April 29, 1861, in Ironton, Iorn Co., Mo., in the beautiful Arcadia Valley. He is a descendant from an old and honorable Germany family, his forefathers, three generations ago, having settled in Bedford county, Penn., from which his parents immigrated to Missouri some forty years ago. The subject of this sketch received a very limited education in the public schools of Ironton. His inclinations were all toward the printing business, but another brother of the same bent of mind preceding him in Ironton's one printing office, that if the Iron County Register, owned by an uncle, Eli B. Ake. S.G. Tetwiler accepted a situation as drug clerk, and for the greater part of six years, or until he was of age, followed that profession, holding as a result a certificate of registration, under the State laws, entitling him to follow pharmacy as a profession. In 1881 he was married to Miss Lutie C. Mills, a young lady whose parents died in her infancy. Following this event Mr. Tetwiler left his old home for Colorado, but the climate not proving agreeable to the health of his wife, within a short period he found himself in the "Future Great" of "Poor Old Missouri", where for several months he improved his opportunities for becoming initiated in the mysteries of the "art preservative". His first newspaper venture the Bonne Terre Reporter, and its success was of such questionable nature that the outfit was disposed of as soon as a purchaser for it could be found. Three years later he assumed duty as local editor of the Poplar Bluff Enquirer, but after this venture had succumbed to the inevitable, he transferred himself to his present location, where he first assumed duty as editor and manager, and afterward purchased The Democrat, a newspaper which has been accorded probably more praise for ability and neatness than any other journal of its age in the State. |
William K. Thompson
William K. Thompson was born in Salem County, N.J., in 1846, and is one of three children born to William and Lydia Thompson, also natives of New Jersey. The father was a plasterer by trade and he and wife resided in their native State until their deaths, both of which occurred during the civil War. Their other children are George and Amy, both of whom now reside in New Jersey. William K. was reared at his father's home, which he left in the fall of 1864 to enlist in the United State army. He joined the Thirty-eighth New Jersey Volunteer Infantry, and was mustered out of service in July 1865. He soon after went to Philadelphia, and engaged in boating and trading. He coasted on a steamer to Boston and Providence, after which he made a trip from Baltimore to New Orleans. At the latter city he obtained work on the levee. He went from thence to Mount Pleasant, Tex., and was for a while engaged in carpentering. After visiting other towns in Texas, he returned to New Orleans, and resumed work on the government levee. In 1872 he came to Southeast Missouri, and located in Wolf Island Township, Mississippi County, where he has since been engaged in farming. In November, 1874, he was united in marriage with Mrs. Catherine Bratcher, who was born in Mississippi County, Mo., in 1850. She is one of two daughters born to Amos M. and Eveline Bratcher, natives of Kentucky, who, when they were young, came to Southeast Missouri with their parents, soon after the Beckwith family located there. Their other daughter is Mary A. (Mrs. John Gossett), of Scott County, Mo. Mr. Bratcher died on December 4, 1867, aged about sixty-eight years. Mrs. Bratcher died in her fifty- first year (in 1870). Mrs. Thompson first married a cousin, Mark L. Bratcher, who died on March 27, 1872, leaving three children: Amos M., Margaret E. and Sarah M. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson's marriage has been blessed by the birth of one child, Minnie E. |
Elbert W. Thompson
Elbert W. Thompson, an intelligent and enterprising farmer of Mississippi County, Mo., was born in that county in what is known as Texas Bend, October 2, 1849. He is a son of Harrison S. and Hannah A. (Sheppard) Thompson, natives of Cape Girardeau County, where he died. Harrison S. Thompson was born November 13, 1813. In 1837 he immigrated to Mississippi County and located where Elbert W. now resides. He entered a large tract of land, which he added to from time to time, and at the time of his death owned over 5,000 acres. He was one of the first settlers of what is known as Thompson's Bend, which at that time was heavily timbered. He lived a bachelor about two years. On February 28, 1840 he married Elizabeth S. Goode, who resided near Charleston, Mo. To them were born two children, John W. and Elizabeth S. His wife died August 8, 1843. Elizabeth S. (an infant) died August 17, 1843. John W. died February 9, 1861. On July 16, 1846, H.S. Thompson was married to Hannah a. Sheppard, who resided at Charleston, Mo., and was born at that place March 12, 1827. To them were born nine children, three of whom are living: Elbert W., Martha A. (Mrs. Alex B. Rouse) and Laura W.D. Those deceased are Mary J., who was born February 11, 1848, and died September 4, 1851; Cyrus N., born March 25, 1851, and died October 12, 1868; James H. born November 17,1853, died September 6, 1856: Amricus J., born January 21, 1856, and died October 15, 1861; Mary J. (second), born August 1, 1858 and died December 1, 1860; Elizabeth H., born October 4, 1862 and died December 27, 1864; Martha A. born February 19, 1864; Laura W.D., born September 16, 1866. Harrison S. Thompson at the beginning of the war, had about 600 acres of land in cultivation, with good improvements, and forty-five slaves. He lost a considerable amount of property by both armies. He died November 4, 1867. On November 5, 1869, his wife, Hannah A. married John Harness. She died March 10, 1886. Elbert W. was reared to farm life, and remained with his father until the latter's death. On April 16, 1874, he married Mary J., daughter of Dr. Hartwell and Mary A. Stratton, of Jackson County, Tenn. Mrs. Stratton died in January, 1862. Mr. H. Stratton afterward moved to Charleston, Mo., where he now lives. To Elbert W. and Mary J. Thompson were born eight children: Bertie E. was born July 13, 1875; Lena P. was born September 16, 1877 died December 30, 1877; Hartwell S. was born January 19, 1879, died February 5, 1884; William C. was born September 22 1880, died October 3, 1880; Frank M. was born August 30, 1882, Claude E. was born August 27, 1884; Hannah M. was born September 23, 1886; infant, unnamed, born April 25, 1888. Elbert W. has always made Thompson's Bend his home, and now has about 2,000 acres of land, with about 800 in cultivation, and good improvements. |
John B. Thruman
John B. Thurman, a farmer of St. James Township, Mississippi County, was born in that county in 1861. His parents, Hiram and Elizabeth (Reed) Thurman, were natives of Kentucky, the former born on March 29, 1832, and the latter on April 4, 1837. They were married April 13, 1853, after which they removed to Southeast Missouri, where they were engaged in farming until their deaths. The wife died December 26, 1880, having borne four children: Dennie (who died in childhood), Catherine (Mrs. Anthony Geltz, of Tywappita Township, Mississippi County), John B. and Georgia Alice. Mr. Thurman was married again, choosing for his second wife Nancy Rhodes, by whom he had one child, Elmore, who now lives with his sister, Mrs. Geltz. His mother died in December 1885. Mr. Thurman died on September 8, 1885. John B. remained with his parents until he was twenty-two years of age, after which he was engaged in farming with his sister. In 1884 he was untied in marriage with Sarah Hargan, who was born in Hardin County, Ky., and is a daughter of Franklin and Easter (Childers) Hargan, both also natives of Hardin County, Ky. They removed to Southeast Missouri in 1882, and located in Texas Bend, where they still reside. Their children are Ida R., Joseph , Mary, Sarah, William, Stephen, Rosa B. (deceased), Benjamin J., Laura F. (deceased) and Thomas M. In the year of his marriage Mr. Thurman located upon his present farm, consisting of eighty acres, which he has since improved very much. To him and wife have been born two daughters: Lottie and Lillie. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. His parents were also members of the same church. |
Jackson L. Travis
Dr. Jackson L. Travis (deceased) was born in North Carolina, November 6, 1824, and at the age of five years removed with his parents to Tennessee, where he grew to manhood, and studied medicine under the direction of an uncle. In 1853 he came to Southeast Missouri, and located in Lucas Bend. Dr. Travis, with a single exception, was the oldest practitioner in Mississippi County. He was a good and useful neighbor, and a kind friend. He died at his home, near Bratcher's Lake, on Tuesday, January 18, 1881. He was first married on October 19, 1858, to Martha J. Hicks, who was born on June 9, 1835. By this union were born four children: Jackson (who died on January 4, 1879, aged twenty-two years, two months and four days); Leulla (born December 11, 1858,died on February 9, 1875); the other two, Mary J. and Martha I., died in infancy. Their mother died on February 19, 1866. Dr. Travis was married, on November 19, 1866, to Lucy H. Beckwith, born on April 17, 1843. She is the daughter of Marmaduke and Susan (Griffitt) Beckwith, both now deceased. Mr. Beckwith came to Southeast Missouri in 1812, and was one of the prominent men of his day. He had two children by his marriage with Susan Griffitt: Underwood and Lucy H. Mrs. Beckwith died when the latter was three weeks old. Mr. Beckwith afterward married Mrs. Catherine Price, a daughter of Abram Hunter, one of the pioneer settlers of Southeast Missouri. By this marriage were born Amanda (Medley) of Arcadia, Mo., Anna (Mrs. Henry Pease, of St. Francois County, Mo., and four who are dead: Richard, Newman, Thomas and Yancy. Mr. Beckwith died in March, 1881. Dr. Travis had six children by his marriage with Lucy H. Beckwith: Lucien (born September 10, 1867); Lucy (born on June 23, 1869); Lulella (born on September 13, 1871); Ada (born on January 1, 1875); Anna (died in infancy) and Jackson L. (born on September 5, 1878). Mrs. Travis and her five children live on the home place, near Bratcher's Lake, in Mississippi County. |
Robert W. Turley
Robert W. Turley, a farmer of James Bayou Township, Mississippi Co., Mo., was born in Ste. Genevieve County, Mo., and is a son of William H. Turley, who was born and reared in Washington County, Mo. The latter married Martha Miller, a native of Indiana, whose parents came to Missouri when she was a child. They located in St. Francois County. Mrs. Turley has one brother, W.S. Miller, now living in Farmington, St. Francois County, engaged in carpentering. Mr. Turley was a farmer. He died in Missouri in 1879, his wife having died two years previously, in 1877. They were the parents of thirteen children: Oliver C. (of Ste Genevieve County, Mo.) Elbridge C. (of Tate County, Miss.), Robert W., James R. (of Tate County, Miss.), Nathan (of Ste. Genevieve County, Mo.), Mary A. (Mrs. John Ellett, (of Tate County, Miss.), Louis G. (of Tate County, Miss.), George S. (also of the at county), Luther M. (deceased), Margaret A. (deceased), Didamia (deceased) and two that died in infancy. Robert W. remained on the home farm assisting with the work, until he was twenty-eight years of age. He received a liberal education in the common schools. He came to Mississippi County in October, 1882, and located near where he now reside, purchasing his present farm of 130 acres, in 1886. In 1881 he was united in marriage with Eliza Burgess, a native of Saline County, Ohio. She died in 1884, leaving one child, Carroll B. Mr. Turley afterward married Mahala Cunningham, a native of St. Francois County, Mo. She is a daughter of Burl and Mary Cunnignham. By this union he has one child, Alma Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Turley belong to the Missionary Baptist Church. He is a member of the K. of H. |
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