Thomas S. McElmurry
Judge Thomas S. McElmurry, the oldest man living who was born in the territory now embraced in Mississippi County, was born in Mathews' Prairie, two miles from the town of Charleston, on December 27, 1815. He is one of the only two surviving children out of a family of twelve, born to the marriage of Absalom McElmurry and Elizabeth (Gray) McElmurry, both natives of Kentucky, and of Scotch descent. Absalom McElmurry came from his native State in 1806, and became one of the first settlers in Southeast Missouri, this State being then a part of the Territory of Louisiana. He was married, and lived there a few years, when he removed to Little Rock, Ark., but returned to Mississippi County, about 1813, and took up some government land. He followed farming all his life, and first lived in a little log cabin with a puncheon floor and clapboard roof and doors. He was the first judge of Mississippi County, being appointed in 1843. Their surviving children are Judge Thomas S. and Absalom. Those deceased are Ellen, Sallie, John, Benjamin, Charles, David Mary, Elizabeth, Harriet and Andrew. Judge Thomas S. was reared on his father's farm and along with the rising generation of those early times, received only the rudiments of a plain English education. He studied at home during his leisure hours, but worked hard to clear the land and render it fit for cultivation. He still owns the farm, upon which he was born and reared. He made farming, his principal occupation, until his eighteen slaves were freed during the late war. He has always been a Democrat in politics, and has filled various official positions. He served as county treasurer one term, deputy sheriff for four years, justice of the peace for four years, coroner two years. In 1858 he was elected judge of the county court, which office he held for two terms, and in 1866 he was elected probate judge, and held the office until 1870. He was then engaged in the mercantile business until 1880, since which time he has been practically retired, with the exception of looking after his farming interest. He has been twice married; the first time in 1842, to Hester Harrison, who died in 1844, leaving him one child, Elizabeth, deceased. The second time he was married in 1848, to Nancy J. Kennedy, a resident of Charleston. Five children have been born to this union, viz: Mary (deceased), Thomas S. (deceased), Margaret (Mrs. William A. Bush), Sallie (Mrs. Joseph Hart), and William (deceased). Judge McElmurry is a Mason, and is one of the most prominent men of Southeast Missouri. He has witnessed its development from a territory to its present wealthy condition, and he has made a host of friends, many of whom have passed away. The Judge has lived in a Territory, Federal government, Confederate government, slave State, free State and three counties, and has lived all the time on the same farm. He is now past seventy-two years of age and is living in the midst of the comforts provided by his own honorable labor. |
Absalom McElmurry
Absalom McElmurry, a prominent merchant of Charleston, was born in what is now Mississippi County, Mo., on August 24, 1826. He is the twelfth child of Absalom and Elizabeth (Gray) McElmurry [see sketch of Judge Thomas S. McElmurry]. The subject of this sketch was reared at this father's home, until he was sixteen years of age, when his father died. He was then, for two years, overseer of sixty slaves for Mrs. Harriet Moulsby, of New Madrid, after which he went to Lake Providence, La., where he had charge of about eighty slaves for Mr. James E. Old. Remaining at the latter place about two years, he crossed the lake and was employed in the same business by John Chambles, who owned 300 negroes. He remained with him a couple of years, during which time he was also engaged in trading horse. Returning to Mississippi County, he was married on August 24, 1853 to Sarah F. Kennedy, also a native of Mississippi County. Since his marriage he has been a resident of Charleston. In 1865 he engaged in the mercantile business, which he continued until 1868, when he sold out and resumed farming in which he is still engaged, in connection with merchandising, in which business he again entered in 1880. He now carries a full line of general merchandise. He and wife have one child, Henry Scott. Mr. McEmurry has served as city marshal for three years. He is a Mason and has been a representative in the Grand Lodge a couple of times. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church. |
William T. Marshall
William T. Marshall, ex-judge of Mississippi County Court, was born in La Rue County, Ky., January 14, 1847, and is a son of Thomas and Jane (Rogers) Marshall, both natives of Nelson County, Ky., and of Scot-Irish descent. The great- grandfather Marshall was born in Ireland, and immigrated to Kentucky at an early day. The grandparents on both sides were born and spent their lives in Kentucky. Thomas Marshall was born in August 1818, and was married in his native county. In 1850 he immigrated to La Rue County, where he purchased a farm, on which he resided until his death in December 1886. His first wife, the mother of our subject, died in 1856, having borne him five children: Joseph M., William T., John T., Mary J. (Mrs. A.L. Hawkins) and Elizabeth A. (deceased). He was married the second time to Lavena (Jones) Thruman, by whom he had seven children: Grace E., Robert L., Wesley A., Benjamin W., Hettie F., Rosa and James (deceased). William T. remained with his parents in his native country until about sixteen years of age, and attended the public schools. During the winter of 1862-63, he served in the Confederate army with Gen. Bragg's division, remaining out about three months. He participated in the battle of Perryville. He then went to Putnam County, Ind., and remained with S.F. Gilmore, of Greencastle, for two years, and spent three months near Mattoon, Ill. After an absence of three years, he went back to Hardin County, Ky., and attended two terms of school at Shiloh Academy (known as Wolf's Springs). He spent two years at Sanora Academy, of which time he was assistant under Prof. Charles Matthews, for fifteen months. In 1869 he went to Buchanan County, Mo., where he taught a private school for three months, after which he went to Kansas City, and after waiting three days for a boat, he got aboard, not knowing where he was going. When the boat arrived at Lucas Bend, he landed and remained all night with a man at the Bend. It was June and the mosquitos were very troublesome. He, however, had never heard of this insect before, and when he was shown to his bed, equipped with mosquito bar, he did not put it over him, and the next morning his face looked as though he had the small-pox. He was very angry, and that morning walked eighteen miles to Charleston, and having no money, he walked the next morning out to Big Lake, where a relative resided. He remained there three years, having an interest in what is known as the King farm. In 1872 he purchased 160 acres of land upon which he now resides. The land was timbered and required several years of hard labor to gt a clearing. He now owns 1,770 acres of land, of which about 750 acres are under cultivation, with good improvements. In the fall of 1878 he was elected county judge, which office he held two consecutive terms. He is a Mason, and a member of the I.O.O.F. In 1874 he was united in marriage with Allice Huff, who died in 1879, leaving three children, viz: William T., Lillie M. and Alvus T. In September 1881 Judge Marshall was married again this time to Mrs. Amma Walker, by whom he has three children, Martha P., Herbert and LaRue. |
S.P. Martin
Dr. S.P. Martin, merchant and grain dealer of St. James Township, Mississippi County, was born in Madison County, Ill., in 1837 and is a son of David Martin, a native of Virginia, who immigrated to Kentucky 1880. He here married Martha Goodwin, a native of Kentucky and in 1882 removed his family to Madison County, Ill. The Goodwin family immigrated to Kentucky from South Carolina. David Martin was a farmer, and made the trip from Kentucky to Illinois with teams. He resided in the latter state until his death, in 1848, aged fifty-two years. His wife died in her fiftieth year, in 1849. They had eight children: Ann (deceased), John (living in Alhambra, Ill.) , Mary (deceased), Martha (Mrs. Dr. Binney, of Staunton, Ill.), Thomas (deceased), Jane (deceased), Dr. Samuel P., and Susan (Mrs. Bell, near Staunton, Ill.). The parents died when Dr. Samuel was twelve years old, after which he lived with his brother, John, for three years, when he went to work for himself. He labored on a farm for $7 a month in gold, some eight years, and later entered school at Wallonia, Trigg Co., Ky., where he remained until enlisting in the Confederate army, in Jun 1861. He was wounded October 7, 1863, by a shot through both thighs. After the close of the war he returned to Trigg County, Ky., and lived there four years. Moving to Mississippi County, Mo., he located in St. James Township and began the practice of medicine. Dr. Martin wedded Mary L. Long, of Marshall County, Tenn., who was born in 1841. To them have been born Lula T. (Mrs. William Hamilton, of East Prairie), Martha J., Albert S.J., Mary G., Luther (deceased), Samuel P., Jr., Josie and Hattie (deceased). Dr. Martin is now engaged in merchandising in East Prairie, and handles $10,000 worth of merchandise, and $20,000 or $30,000 worth of grain per year. He has served as postmaster since 1879. The Doctor and family are members of the Christian Church. |
Joseph F. Martin
Joseph F. Martin, a prosperous farmer and grain dealer, located at Charleston, Mississippi Co., Mo., was born in Kentucky in 1846. His parents, Andrew L. and Frances (Rice) Martin, were natives of Virginia, who removed to Kentucky while they were young. They came to Southeast Missouri in 1855, and located south of Charleton, in the Concord settlement, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Mr. Martin died in 1856, and Mrs. Martin in 1860. They reared a large family of ten children: Gustave (deceased), Ezekiel H. (deceased), John M. (engaged in saw- milling in Parker County, Tex.), Andrew J. (engaged in merchandising and farming in Jones County, Tex.). Joseph F., Ann A. (deceased), Ellen (deceased), Salenia J. (deceased), Susan V. (Mrs. Miles I. Howlett, of Francois County, Mo.) and Louisa V. (deceased). Joseph F. was about nine years of age when his parents came to Southeast Missouri, which has since been his home. Since arriving at mature years he has been engaged in farming and buying and selling grain. In 1872 he purchased 440 acres of land on Rush's Ridge, Mississippi County, of which land he now has 275 acres, well improved. He was married in 1872 to Florence L. Rush, a daughter of Alfred and Lucinda (Brewer) Rush. Their union has been blessed by two children: Pearle A. and Ivy J. who are now at home, attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Marin are members of the Baptist Church. RM. Martin takes a deep interest in anything that tends to benefit his county, and especially in the temperance movement. |
George W. Martin
George W. Martin, the accommodating postmaster of Charleston, and editor of the Enterprise, was born in that city, November 2, 1859. He is a son of William F. and Mary A. (Baynon) Martin, both of whom are natives of London, England. The mother removed to Mississippi County with her parents in 1847, she being but ten years of age. They located in Charleston, and her father was the first justice of the peach in that city, it being but a village of about half a dozen houses at that time. William F. Martin came to Missouri direct from London in 1848. He also settled in Charleston, which city he ever after made his home. He was a printer, and in 1858 took charge of the Charleston Courier, which he ran during the war, and after, being the owner and publisher of the paper at the time of his death in 1872. His widow is still living. They were the parents of six children: George W., Lena A. (wife of F.C. Miller), Robert E.L., John F., Richard V. and Harry. The subject of this sketch was reared at the home of his parents in his native city, and secured a good education in the common schools and by private study at home. He began the printer's trade under the direction of his father, but before a year had passed his father died, and he, being the eldest child, it was left to him to take the father's place. The family was dependent upon him for a living, and by industry and economy he managed to support them, and taking charge of his younger brothers, he gave them such education as he could afford. Having served an apprenticeship at his trade, in 1875 he established the Charleston Enterprise, and during the years following he has enlarged the paper four times. Mr. Martin was for five years the youngest and most successful editor in the State of Missouri. He can be called a self-made man, as he has had but little help in any project he has undertaken. His paper is newsy and spicy, and has a good circulation. In 1886 he was appointed postmaster of Charleston, and re-commissioned on January 16, 1888. Southeast Missouri has but three presidential post offices, and Mr. Martin holds the first Democratic commissioned office. In 1881 he was married to Anna D., a daughter of judge N.J. Ogilvie. To them have been born three children: Mona H., Lora E. and Mary Edna. Mr. and Mrs. Martin, are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. Mr. Martin is an intelligent, enterprising and a valuable citizen of Charleston. He has held the office of city clerk one term. |
Fannie M. Millar
Mrs. Fannie M. Millar, widow of Adam Millar, was born in Frederick County, Va., on December 4, 1830, and is the daughter of John and Lucinda (Headley) Kendrick, also natives of Frederick County. John Kendrick was born January 9, 1791, and was the son of Benjamin and Ann Kendrick, natives of the "Old Dominion". He removed to Kentucky in 1833, and there his wife joined him three years later. They resided in Caldwell County until the death of Mrs. Kendrick, which occurred on July 11, 1854. Mr. Kendrick then removed to Tennessee, where he died January 8, 1876. They were married December 28, 1815, and become the parents of the following children: Sarah A., born on October 21, 1816, and was married January 21, 1843, to Abram Millar, who died January 25, 1888; Mary C., born February 22, 1818; Rebecca E. (who was married May 1, 1860, to Dr. A.E. Mardick), was born September 30, 1821, now living in Charleston; Lucinda H., born on November 7, 1824, and died on August 11, 1845, married J.S. Stevenson, April 21, 1843; Frances S., born on August 5, 1827, and died on September 30, 1829; Fannie M.; and Susan N.S., born on September 19, 1833, was married April 24, 1855, to Franklin S. Millar, who died July 16, 1869. Lucinda Headley was the daughter of William and Sarah (Northern) Headley; the mother (daughter of William and Abigail Northern), was born on July 25, 1753, and died on March 21, 1835, and the father (son of Andrew and Winifred Headley) was born on December 8, 1746, and died on December 26, 1836. They were married December 8, 1776. To them were born the following children: Abigail, born April 18, 1779, married July 13, 1798, and died on November 30, 1834; Sarah, born May 18, 1789, married January 12, 1799; Mary born on June 2, 1782, married September 23, 1803 and died March 26, 1839; William, born June 10, 1784, married September 11, 1808, and died March 26, 1839; Winifred, born February 16, 1786, married September 21, 1806, and died in 1848; James, born March 30, 1788, married in February 1809 and died May 5, 1833; Elizabeth, born on October 10, 1792, married September 25, 1807; Rebecca, born on March 10, 1794, married December 5, 1816, and died in 1852; Lucinda, born November 1, 1795, married December 26, 1815 and died on July 11, 1854; Newton, born on January 24, 1798, married June 10, 1823, and died in 1853. The subject of this sketch came to Southeast Missouri in 1858, and was married on November 3, 1879, to Adam Millar, who died on September 2, 1883. He was the son of Abram and Rebecca Millar. Abram was born on June 2, 1770 and was married August 14, 1804. Mrs. Millar was born on February 3, 1784, and died on January 20, 1867. To them were born the following children: Elizabeth, born on September 7, 1805; Isaac, born 1811; Reynolds, born on June 27, 1814; Abraham, born on November 25, 1816; John, born on March 21, 1819; Rebecca, born May 11, 1822; Michael, born on May 18, 1825 and Franklin, born on January 3, 1830. |
John A. Millar
John A. Millar, an enterprising farmer and influential citizen of St. James Township, Mississippi Co., Mo., was born near where he now resides, February 13, 1851. He is a son of Abram and Sarah A. (Kendrick) Millar, the former of whom was born in Scioto County, Ohio, in November, 1816, and was the son of Abram Millar, who was born in Virginia, but removed to Ohio when it was a Territory. He reared his family in Ohio. In 1842 he went to Mississippi County, Mo., prospecting for land, which he bought and returned to Ohio. In 1847 he removed his family to Mississippi County, but after residing there a while he returned to Ohio, in which State he died. His wife was Rebecca Millar, who was born in Virginia. To them were born nine children: Elizabeth, Isaac, William, Adam, Reynolds, Abram, John, Rebecca and Franklin, all deceased except Reyonlds , who resides in Muscatine, Iowa, and Rebecca (Mrs. Charles Millar, of Williamsville, Ill.). Abram, the father of the subject of this sketch, remained in his native State until 1843, when he went to Kentucky, where he was married on February 21, of that year. His wife was born in Virginia, October 21, 1816, and is the daughter of John and Lucy (Headley) Kendrick, also natives of Virginia. They removed, in 1836, to Princeton, Ky., where they resided until Mrs. Kendrick's death, after which he removed to Tennessee. They had seven children: Sarah, Catherine (deceased), Rebecca (Mrs. Dr. A.E. Mardick, of Charleston, Mo.); Lucy (deceased), Francis (deceased), Fannie M. (widow of Adam Millar, of St. James' Township) and Susan (widow of Franklin Millar, also of St. James' Township, Mississippi Co., Mo.). Mrs. Sarah Millar resides with her son, John A. and enjoys fair health, having had remarkably good health during her life. After his marriage, Abram Millar came to Mississippi County, where he lived upon a farm until his death, January 25, 1888. To him and wife were born three children: Rebecca (deceased), Lucy (Mrs. Thompson Bird) and John A. The last named remained at his parents' until he was twenty-two years of age, assisting in the work of the farm. On April 15, 1873, he was united in marriage with Anna Kalfus, who was born December 11, 1857, in Charleston, Mo. She is the daughter of Columbus C. and Elizabeth (Forman) Kalfus, both of whom were natives of Kentucky. Mrs. Kalfus was a graduate of the Female Academy, of Bardstown, Ky. In 1854 they came to Southeast Missouri, and locating in Charleston, they remained there until their deaths. Seven children were born to them; Henry H. (deceased), Anna, Columbus C. (of Clay County, Ark.), Lottie (Mrs. P. Holbrook, of Wichita, Kas.), Robert (deceased), Benjamin (deceased) and Jennie (deceased). Mr. and Mrs. Millar's union has been blessed by the birth of six children, viz: Gertrude, Lucy, Anna, John Clay, Mabel (deceased), and Albert. Mr and Mrs. Millar are members of the Christian Church. Mr. Millar is a prosperous man, and had a good farm upon which he has a nice residence, built in 1887. Politically he is a Democrat. |
John N. Mitchener
John N. Mitchener was born in Lexington, Tenn., on February 11, 1833. He is the son of Edmund E. Mitchener. The latter was born in Sumner County, East Tenn., in 1804. He removed to Carroll County, and about 1824 married Nancy Nealy, a native of North Carolina, born in 1807. Later he removed to Lexington, Tenn., where he reared his family. He was a Cumberland Presbyterian minister, and a very successful teacher. About 1855 he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and was subsequently engaged in selling Masonic regalia and delivering lectures, in which occupation he died, about 1864. His children were Mary E., Martha A., William b., John N., Wilson L., Cincinnatus C., Marcus E.S.V., James K. Polk, Elizabeth C., Amanda J., and Georgia A. Marcus and James were killed in the Federal army at Fort Pillow. Wilson was killed by some soldiers, and Cincinnatus died in 1881. John remained at home until attaining his majority, when in January 1855, he came to Mississippi County, and located in East Prairie. In 1858 he attended school in Kentucky, after which he was engaged in teaching for two or three years. He has since followed agricultural pursuits, and is the owner of 160 acres of good land. He has been twice married. His first wife was Nancy B., a daughter of Isaac and Maria (McDonald) Miller. She died on July 22, 1876 and he was married the second time to Jennie Metheny, a native of Benton County, Tenn., born October 18, 1855. She is the daughter of J.N. and Louis (Pierce) Metheny, natives of North Carolina and Tennessee, respectively. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mitchener are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He has been superintendent of a Sunday-school for nine years, and during that time has not failed to attend as many as nine Sundays. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity. |
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