Missouri State Archives
600 West Main
PO Box 778
Jefferson City, MO. 65102
Map Showing Mississippi County Townships
Organized February 14, 1845, from Scott County and named for the Mississippi River. County seat: Charleston, 63834.
Mississippi is derived from the Algonquin Indian words: missi meaning 'great' and seepee meaning 'water'.
Courthouse burned in 1891 and again on February 10, 1997.
Recorder of Deeds: Index to Deeds, 1823-1904; Deeds, 1823-1905;
Marriages, 1845-1951; School Land Sales, 1846-1865; Swampland
Patents and Records, 1914; Military Discharge Records, 1918-1994.
Clerk of the County Court: County Court Records and Index, 1867-
1992; Board of Equalization, 1894-1992; Conveyance of Right of
Way, 1929-1934; County Court Minutes, 1845-1981; Ditch Record
Books and Indexes, 1899-1923; Notary Commission and Bond Record,
1953-1988; Physicians and Surgeons Filings, 1874-1896; Post
Office (Instructions and Forms Handbook), 1832; Record of Bonds
and Commissions, 1894-1918; Record of Dentist Certificates, 1897-
1959; Record of Land Sales (Tax Sales, Trustee), 1935-1971, 1940-
1954; Record of Osteopathy Diplomas, 1898-1919; Record of
Pharmacists Certificates, 1900-1917; Register of School bonds,
1900-1912; Road Contracts and Specifications, 1930; Road Records,
1887-1919; State Board of Health Certificates, 1899-1966;
Swampland Patents, 1857-1914.
Clerk of the Circuit Court: Circuit Court Index, 1845-1926;
Circuit Court Records, 1845-1951; Circuit Court Case Files and
Index, 1847-1880.
Clerk of the Probate Court: Probate Index, (no dates); Probate
Record Index, 1845-1872; Probate Records, 1845-1985; Abstract of
Allowances, 1926-1963; Bonds and Letters, 1945-1970; Claims,
1846-1870; Claims Docket, 1893-1919; Executions, 1856-1857, 1872-
1899; Guardians and Curators, 1887-1935; Inheritance Tax, 1921-
1924; Inventories and Appraisements, 1859-1970; Mentally Ill
Records, 1955-1976; Motion Docket, 1894-1902; Notices, 1867-1871;
Orders of Publication, 1893-1956; Probate Estate Files and Index,
1848-1977; Probate Fee Book, 1952-1954; Probate Judge Docket,
1956-1978; Probate Minutes, 1877-1988; Probate Register, 1956-
1988; Settlements, 1847-1970; Wills, 1852-1970.
County Assessor: Erroneous Assessment Records, 1945-1983. County Coroner: Coroner Inquest Files, 1872-1993.
County Superintendent of Schools: Miscellaneous School
Districts, 1897; School Enumerations, 1923-1962; Grade Book
Examinations, 1901-1909.
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