__________________________________________________________________________ 1850 Mississippi Co. Missouri Census, $6.00. Copied from microfilm; Price includes Postage. includes all information; 1870 Mississippi Co. Missouri Census, $11.50. Contact: Betty Rolwing Darnell, 171 Anna Lee Drive, Taylorsville KY 40071 __________________________________________________________________________ Copied from microfilm; includes all information; Price includes Postage. Texas Bend Journal, $16.50, A history of the Texas Bend Community, from census, cemetery, newspaper, and courthouse records. Contact: Betty Rolwing Darnell, 171 Anna Lee Drive, Taylorsville KY 40071 __________________________________________________________________________ From Hengeler to Texas Bend, A History of the Rolwing Family, $13.00, including postage. Hardbound. Contact: Betty Rolwing Darnell, 171 Anna Lee Drive, Taylorsville KY 40071 __________________________________________________________________________ |
Dogwood Cemetery List. It is for sale and is in 6 books. The books are indexed alphabetically and also by rows. They include (when found in her research) complete obituary, any reference to a silver or golden anniversary and some photos. The price per book varies. Here is how to contact AUTHOR: Alberta Bishop 2329 South Highway B East Prairie, MO 63845 Telephone: 573/649-3634
The Mississippi County Genealogy Society
P.O. Box 5
Charleston, MO 63834
Has the following publications for sale:
1883 PLAT MAP of Miss. Co., MO: Few property owners, landings, switches and schools marked. Two sizes avaable: 2'x 3'for $10.00 plus $1.50 maifing--or--Il" x 17" for $5.00 plus 75 cent,; mailing.
RECORD OF PROBATE & COMMON PLEAS COURT OF MISS. CO., MO 1856-1857: 56 pages plus index. Civil suits, partitions and divorces plus misdemeanor c cases shown for this time period. Not indexed into the Court House records and no longer avaflable at the Court House. $7.50 plus $2.00 postage.
I.O.O.F. CEMETERY LISTINGS OF MISS. CO., MO: 142 pages plus index; soft cover. Located just North of Charleston on Route N. $15.00 plus $2.00 postage.
TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF MISS. CO., MO VOLUME 1: includes cemeteries from LONG PRAIRIE, OHIO, MISSISSIPPI, JAMES BAYOU, and WOLF ISLAND TOWNSHIPS. (Dogwood and Armer Cemeteries included) 115 pages plus index; soft cover. $10.00 plus $2.00 postage.
TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS OF MISS. CO., MO VOLUME 11: includes cemeteries from TYWAPPIY and ST. JAMES TOWNSHIPS (note-I.O.O.F. Cemetery and Oak Grove Cemetery in separate books); 105 pages plus index; soft cover. $10.00 plus $2.00 postage.
MARRIAGES OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY MO 1845-1887: 124 pages with index, soft cover. $12.00 plus $2.00 postage.
MARRIAGES OF MISSISSIPPI CO MO, VOLUME 11 (1888-1902): 89 pages plus full surname index. $12.00 plus $2.00 postage.
LEDGER OF THOMAS J. DALTON: More historical than genealogical in content; record of events and expenditures made by Dalton during the Civil War; contains some information on Co. E, Regt. MO. Price: $3.00 postage paid.
TEMP. OUT OF PRINT 1845 LIST OF TAXABLE LANDS IN MISS. CO., MO: List of owners of real estate when Miss. Co., MO was formed. 27 pages with index; S5.00 postage paid.
CHARLESTON SESQUICENTENNIAL 1837-1987 LINEAGE BOOK: 948 ancestor charts plus index soft cover. $30.00 plus $3.00 postage. 1830 & 1840 CENSUS OF SCOTT CO., MO: Miss Co. being a part thereof at that time): 31 pages, including index; soft cover. $4.75 postage paid. 1860 CENSUS OF MISSISSIPPI COUNTY, MO: 56 pages, including index, soft cover, S6.00 postage paid.
MUDDY ROOTS OUARTERLY ror 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1 1994, 1996 (NLu, June, Sep, & Dec issues) containing source material from Miss. Co., MO and queries. Price for each set of four (4) S12.00 (please state what year desired) or S4.00 per issue.
MISSISSIPPI COUNTY MISSOURI LOOSE PROBATE PAPERS, 1845-1899: 332 pages with index; hard cover. This book was abstracted from the loose papers found in the Probate Mision of the Circuit Court of Mss. Co., MO. $22.50 plus $2.00 postage.
BIBLE AND OTHER RECORDS OF MISSISSIPPI CO., MO; 151 pages plan-, full surname index. soft cover. $12.00 plus S2.50 postage.
DEED RECORD BOOK "A". MISSISSIPPI COUNTY,. MO 1822-1845: 76 pages plus full surname index, soft cover. $8.00 plus $2.00 postage. 1900 CENSUS MISS. CO., MO VOLUME 1: James Bavox4 Long Prairie, Wolf Island, Mississippi and Ohio Townships. 103 pages plus index, softbound. $15.00 plus $2.00 postage.
Books listed here have been added to the MoSGA Genealogy Circulating Collection. The collection is available for loan by local patrons and also to researchers nationwide through interlibrary loan. If you would like to borrow any of these books, contact your local library and ask the librarian to request the books via a standard ALA Interlibrary Loarn Request Form. The form should be addressed to: Interlibrary Loan Department Mid0Continent Public Library 15616 East 24 Highway Independence, Missouri 64050 Requests may be sent via fax to : MCPL-ILL, (816-521-7265) E-mail: ill@mcpl.lib.mo.us · Bible & other records of Mississippi County, Missouri. 1993, 157p. 977.8983 B471 · Marriages of Mississippi County. MO. 2 vols. V.1-1845-1887; v2. 1888-1902. 977.8983 M349
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