Goodspeed's History of Southeast Missouri
Biographies of Mississippi County, 1888


Joseph H. Jenkinson

Joseph    H.    Jenkinson,
     deceased, was born in Worcestershire, England, January  23,  1835  and
     saw the son of Samuel and  Catherine  Jenkinson,  both  of  whom  were
     natives of England. Joseph grew to manhood in  Worcestershire  and  on
     March 10, 1863, was married to Elizabeth Law, who was born in 1839 and
     is a daughter of Joseph and Sarah Law, natives of Shropshire, England,
     now deceased. Mrs. Jenkinson was young when her parents died, and  she
     afterward  resided,  until  her  marriage,  with  her  half-sister  in
     Stafordshire. Mr. Jenkinson was  a  cabinet-maker,  and  followed  his
     trade as long as he remained in his native country. On July 31,  1863,
     he with his family set sail for America landing at New  York  City  on
     the 10th of August of the same year.  On  account  of  Mrs.
     Jenkinson's illness they remained in that city two  weeks,  when  they
     went by rail to Chicago, when they were again detained two  weeks  for
     the same reason. From that city they went to Cairo, Ill.,  where  they
     remained three years. Mr. Jenkinson being engaged in carpentering.  He
     then went to Whistler, near Mobile, Ala., where he was employed in the
     car shops, finishing passenger cars for about five years. In the  fall
     of 1869 he came to Southeast Missouri and located on East Prairie,  in
     Mississippi County, where he improved the farm upon which  his  family
     now resides. They have a good farm, upon which is  a  fine  residence.
     Mr. Jenkinson was a very active  member  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal
     Church South, to which his family also belong. He  died  September  7,
     1884. To Mr. and Mrs. Jenkinson  were  born  six  children:  Agnes  L.
     (deceased),  Katie   L.,   Harry   L.,   and   three   who   died   in

Frank A. Jordan

Frank   A.    Jordan,    an
     enterprising  farmer  and  stock  raiser  of  Wolf  Island   Township,
     Mississippi County, was born in Hickman  County,  Ky.,  in  1839.  His
     parents, William S. and Julia A.  (Caldwell)  Jordan,  were  born  and
     reared in Woodford County, Ky. His  maternal  great-grandparents  were
     born and reared in Ireland. His grandfather, George  Jordan,  came  to
     America from England several years before the  Revolutionary  War,  in
     which he afterward participated. He had a brother on the  other  side,
     who was with Cornwallis' army at the time of its surrender. After  the
     war George Jordan located in Culpeper County, Va., having  married  in
     that State. About 1791 he removed with his family to Woodford  County,
     Ky. He and wife had three boys and two  girls:  Thomas  G.,  John  J.,
     William S., Martha and Rachel. William S. was married  in  his  native
     county in 1826, and after residing there two years longer  removed  to
     Hickman County, which was afterward his  home.  However,  he  died  in
     Anderson County at the age of seventy-six years.  He  served  as  high
     sheriff of Hickman County for four years, and as judge  of  the  court
     for sixteen years. He was also one of the county commissioners, and  a
     very prominent Royal Arch Mason. His children are  George  A.,  Thomas
     G., William H., John V., Frank A., Eugene B., Edwin, Ophelia C.,  Mary
     R. (Mrs. John C. Gray), Martha A., Leonora A. (Mrs. James W. Farris of
     Pemiscot County, Mo.) and Virginia  E.  Frank  A.  came  to  Southeast
     Missouri in 1859 to live with his sister, Mrs. Gray, who had come here
     in 1856. He has since made Mississippi County his home. On  April  15,
     1861, he enlisted in the army, joining a Kentucky  regiment,  but  was
     discharged in November of that year, when he enlisted in the  Enrolled
     Missouri Militia and served one year under Capt. Prichett.  After  the
     war he resumed work on the farm, and was married in  1865  to  Ann  B.
     Cooley, who was born in Mississippi County, Mo. in 1844. She  died  in
     1877, leaving three children, Frank C., Florence A. and Thomas Q.  Mr.
     Jordan afterward married Nannie R. Young, born on Wolf Island, Ky. She
     came with her parents, Rev. William K. and Rebecca Young to  Southeast
     Missouri, when about six weeks old. The family returned to Kentucky in
     1854, and remained until  1861,  when  they  came  back  to  Southeast
     Missouri, where Rev. Young died, April 18, 1863, being the  father  of
     but one child - Nannie R. Mrs. Young, however, had been married  twice
     previously. She died in Marion County, Mo., on April 20, 1875, whither
     she had moved in April 1865. Mr. Jordan has two children by  his  last
     wife: Eugenia T. and Ophelia E. In 1880 Mr. Jordan was  elected  judge
     of Mississippi County Court, and held the office four years. He served
     as deputy sheriff two years and has been justice of  the  peace  since

George W. Kenrick

George   W.   Kenrick,    a
     prominent citizen of Southeast Missouri and an enterprising mechant of
     Charleston, was born in County Wexford, Ireland, on June 17, 1818.  He
     is one of two children born to the union of William Kenrick and Fannie
     White, both of whom were natives of the "Emerald Isle". The former was
     a merchant and farmer in  Enniscourthy,  Ireland,  which  business  he
     followed during his life. His first wife (the mother of George W.  and
     Kate) died several years previous to his death,  and  he  had  several
     children by a second marriage. George W.  was  reared  in  his  native
     country and learned the carpenter's trade. In 1842 he  was  united  in
     marriage with Emily Walker, and  in  the  summer  of  that  year  took
     passage at Liverpool for America. After several weeks of ocean  voyage
     he and wife landed at New York,  and  went  from  there  to  Alleghany
     County, Penn., where he worked at his trade a few months, then engaged
     in farming, which he continued  about  two  years.  He  then  went  to
     Cincinnati, where he remained a short time and removed to  St.  Louis,
     remaining there about one year. In 1844 he  removed  to  what  is  now
     Bird's Point, Mississippi Co., Mo., where he resided  about  one  year
     and went to Pittsburgh, Penn. Soon after he bought a trading boat  and
     engaged in merchandising on the Ohio River, going down the Mississippi
     below Memphis. He made two trips which took him as many  years,  after
     which he  located  his  boat  at  Cairo,  Ill.,  and  was  engaged  in
     merchandising along the river three years longer. He then returned  to
     Bird's Point, where he engaged in merchandising and hotel keeping.  He
     also served as postmaster. In1862 he removed to Charleston,  where  he
     has  since  been  in  the  merchandise  business.  He  has  served  as
     postmaster of Charleston, justice of the peace,  lieutenant  of  State
     militia, city alderman and mayor of the city several  terms.  He  owns
     the Kenrick Hotel, which was erected in 1877, and which is one of  the
     finest and most commodious in Southeast Missouri. He  also  owns  five
     brick business buildings and ten frame buildings in Charleston. No man
     has done more than Mr. Kenrick to build up  the  city  of  Charleston,
     with the interest of which city he has been identified for a number of
     years. His first wife died in 1850, having reared two children, one of
     whom (William) is living. In 1851 Mr. Kenrick married Mary Rodney,  by
     whom he has had five children, four of whom are living,  viz:  George,
     Albert, Emma and Annie. Besides Mr. Kenrick's property in  Charleston,
     he owns $8,000 worth in Cairo, Ill., also four large farms.  He  is  a
     member of the Masonic fraternity and of the I.O.O.F. His son George is
     the manager of the store at Charleston, and is  an  intelligent  young
     man of good business qualifications. From 1847 to 1851 Mr. Kenrick was
     in the merchandise business at Cairo. He owns about  $2,500  worth  of
     real estate in Scott County, Mo.


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